Howdy, Jiu-Jitsu Fam!

I’m swinging through share some recent happenings with you and remind everyone of some changes we’ve made.



This week, we will say goodbye and best wishes to professor Jefferson as he heads back to Colorado to tie the knot with his long-time sweetheart.  While we would have liked to give everyone more notice and time to adjust, you just can’t fight that feeling when love is in the air.  All hope is not lost, however, as both Professor Gustavo and Professor Felipe will be stepping in to take over GB² in the evenings, and Coach Alex will be taking over GB² lunch classes.  So, a very fond farewell and good luck to Professor Jefferson, but I’m excited to be learning from these two amazing black belts moving forward!



We invite you all to our place every Friday at 11:30 for an open mat.  If you’re struggling with a technique, want to drill something you saw on Youtube, or just want to get some rolling in, open mat is the perfect opportunity to get some extra time on the mats.  Everyone is welcome, regardless of their rank, and everyone is permitted to roll—some restrictions apply.  So, come on out and fold clothes with people still in them!




For you early risers, or for those of you who want more time on the mats, we have classes at 6 AM every Tuesday and Friday.  These are all-level classes, which means they are a hybrid of GB¹ and GB².  We’ll hone in on a fundamental technique, and stack a more complex technique on top of it.  These classes will count toward your progression as both GB¹ and GB² classes.  Jiu-Jitsu for breakfast is an excellent pick-me-up!


In the immortal words of Porky Pig, that’s all folks!  Have a wonderful afternoon and we’ll see you in class!